Thomas Robertson Thomas Robertson Thomas Robertson Thomas Robertson Thomas Robertson Thomas Robertson Thomas Robertson Thomas Robertson Thomas Robertson Thomas Robertson Thomas Robertson Thomas Robertson Thomas Robertson Thomas Robertson Thomas Robertson Thomas Robertson Thomas Robertson Thomas Robertson Thomas Robertson Thomas Robertson Thomas Robertson Thomas Robertson Thomas Robertson Thomas Robertson Thomas Robertson
In Memory of
Thomas Munsey
Robertson Sr.
1934 -

RMG story

I'm not good at writing stories but I did want to say something about Mr. Robertson(I liked to call him Papa Bear). When we worked at the first building I would see him walking around the warehouse, he would always stop to say hi and talk. If he saw a piece of a pallet on the floor he would  stop and pick it up, he told me that was  one of his pet peeves, so everytime I see a piece on the floor I think of him and pick it up. He was in the warehouse one day I was moving some items with an old old pallet jack that didn't work well at all , he ordered me a new one and told me to put my name on it. Christmas dinner 2 years ago he sat next to me and we talked and laughed so much. I have great memories of him.

Posted by Tina Shiflett
Tuesday May 10, 2016 at 10:43 am
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